(from Latin: audīre, “to hear” and metria, “to measure”) is a branch of audiology and the science of measuring hearing acuity for variations in sound intensity and pitch and for tonal purity, involving thresholds and differing frequencies.

Conduct hearing tests and manage patient data comfortably in front of your PC screen. With Oscilla USB audiometer, you get an integrated solution that lets you dedicate more time to your patients.
Ultra portable and light weight - bring the test to the patient
The audiometer is powered via USB. Just connect it to your PC and launch AudioConsole. You are now ready to work. No long loading time – just simple plug & play. The audiometer is delivered with a handy carrying bag and you can easily take it with you and use it in any location with your laptop.
Optimise your workflow
Oscilla AudioConsole provides you with a user-friendly interface for audiometry and data management. Watch audiograms update in real time on your screen, show the results to your patient, save them in the database, generate customised PDF reports or export the results to your patient management system.